Local sevadars were approached by Guru Nanak Seva, on behalf of Guru Nanak Darbar, Erith and Belvedere Gurdwara, to start teaching Gurbani Santhiya from Basic to Intermediate level at Erith and Belvedere Gurdwara. With Maharaj’s kirpa classes started on the 28th September 2022. The classes average about 20 students at varying levels.

We will be using this page to share posters, photos/videos of class, relevant learning material, and audio recordings created for students.

Whatever level you are already at, if you would like to learn more, get in touch or turn up to one of our classes.

Learning Material

Audio Recordings

Muharni – ਸ.wav

…more recordings coming soon…

Japji Sahib
Japji Sahib – Mool Mantar and Pauris 1

…more recordings coming soon…

Books / PDF’s

Photos / Videos from the class